An ode to Johnnie McCabe
Published with the permission of the authors, Patsy McDermott and Susan, of Killinkere, County Cavan, 2009.

Verse 1
The second Wednesday night was draughty, as far as I remember
The month I’m not too sure of – I think it was November
Herself and I sat by the fire, she turned to me to say
“I think we’ll go to the Royal Breffni, it’s not that far away”.
“We won’t stay very late” she said, so I agreed and took her
And that is how we came to be at the Rambling House in Tierworker.
Verse 2
The middle bar was fairly full but we were welcomed in
The place was just buzzing, the session in full swing
There was music, song and dancing, and an odd auld story too
And before the night was over I even told a few.
The next month we were back again, it was livelier I think
And just as we were leaving a man offered me a drink.
Verse 3
He said “My name is Johnnie” as he held the hand of friendship out
I said – “Seeing as she’s driving, I’ll have a pint of stout”
Well it didn’t stop at one or two – you know the way it goes
The crowd kept getting scarcer, even Teddy left with Rose.
Then he started reminiscing as we are all inclined to do
He remembered Cavan winning back in 1952
Verse 3
He talked about his school days in the school house on the hill
And how the friends he made there are his best friends still
He told about work back then how sometimes it was tough
He spoke about the Lough-an-Lae and the Pattern Fair of Muff
Verse 4
Then we heard of Evelyn and how they got married young
And he thanked the Lord who blessed them with four daughters and a son
He said “We’re living up in Beaupark, it’s where we’ve made our home,
The family are all grown up, some have children of their own
Verse 5
I have a lovely filly I call her ‘Charlie’s Girl’
She’s grazing round the home place, where Joe minds her very well
I go to lots of sing-songs from Inniskeen up to Armagh,
And we like to go out dancing to Swan’s of Curragha
Although I’ve travelled Ireland – North, South, East and West
My birthplace Tierworker is the place I love the best”.
Verse 6
Well the Rambling House got too big for the middle bar
We changed it to a Friday night as they came from near and far
You entertained us monthly with your songs both old and new,
About the West Clare Railway and the publican Joe McHugh
You admired Percy French and sang ‘Phil the Fluter’s Ball’
Verse 7
You mentioned Killinkere in ‘The Hackler from Grousehall’
You sang Johnny Duhan’s ‘Voyage’, Christy’s one about Luke Kelly,
‘Barley Hill’ and ‘John Joe’ – these are only some of many
As you waltzed around the dance floor you were light on foot
And when we tried to have a sing-along you were the first man up.
Verse 8
Those carefree times went swiftly by till the month of May ‘09
When you told us you had cancer but that you were doing fine
You said “I will enjoy what’s left” and, of course, you sang a song
And fair play to those who loved you, with all your wishes went along
The second Wednesday night of September our friend Johnnie passed on
To a bigger better Rambling House where he’ll lead the auld sing-song.
Johnnie, we’re glad we knew you, Patsy and Susan